Monday, March 1, 2010

So far not going too great...

Well its already 8pm and I have yet to ask anyone out.

The sun was out today and its finally warm enough and melted enough to merit a bike ride so I biked the 3 or so miles down to a bakery with very yummy sweets and even yummier eye candy for my first exploration of asking out. Turns out they are closed on Mondays.

So then it was off to 2nd Moon, a neighborhood coffee joint I've never gotten into, but that always has people my age hanging out there. Ordered a tea, trying to be healthy-ish. But they only take cash and I was fresh out. So that stopped that.

Now I'm going to Tracey's to try to see if dirty Saloon people are to my liking and if all else fails, the 21+ers at Memory Lanes Bowling will be getting propositioned by yours truly.

Because no matter what, I am asking someone out tonight!

I did it! Yes! It was pretty scary but I got it done. The rest will hopefully get easier. So we were at Tracy's (the room mates, Garret and I) and having a blast and an entire table of guys around my age sat behind us. So after we paid the bill, I just picked a random one, one whose face I'd only seen for a split second and then just went for it. It went something like this.
Me: Hi, would you like to go on a date with me this week.
Guys Friend: Wow, that was forward.
Guy: Uh... uh... uh. When?
Me: I'm pretty open, but I am busy Friday and Saturday... Maybe Thursday?
Guy: Oh, uh. Well. I don't think I can do that.
Me: Okay, great. Have a good dinner.

Tada! Day one complete!

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