Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday Night

So. Drinking. Alcohol. Intoxication.

Not as much as a help as I was hoping it would be. It is amazing to me how hard this asking people out thing is! The problem with asking someone out at a bar is that a) it is so loud that it makes me impossible to actually talk to the guy b) everyone is out to find someone so it makes it more stressful because it makes rejection all the more likely, they went out that night looking for something specific and I may or may not fit into that category. and c) competition. Everyone is looking for someone to buy them drinks, flirt with and a lot of them are prettier, skinnier and skankier than me.

So as you can probably guess from my long list of reasons, I only asked out one guy last night and before we could really do the whole thing my friend Rose came over and started chatting with him, not realizing that she was "messing with my game", so to speak. But I still count it cause I did put myself out there.

So semi win for the night, even though my goal was to get like three or four guys knocked off the list. Maybe today will be more lucrative.

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