Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 9

So I've been falling behind, to rectify this situation I asked out three guys today. In the same room. In a manner of minutes. Most of them I knew. But since I was persistant and they don't/didn't at the time know about the experiment it counts. The one boy I didn't really know at all was the one who changed phone numbers with me...

My only concern now is, did he think I was joking? Drama people often make jokes of these kinds but I did give and receive his number. So now I'm ACTUALLY nervous, not just casually asking people that I have no real fear or chance of meaningful rejection with (as was the case with asking all three of those guys out, since they all probably thought I was joking/I was surrounded by friends) because now if he did think I was joking I'm putting myself out there all over again.


So to give a tally (which I should have done Monday- you know to keep it weekly):
Day 9
Men asked out: 8
Yeses: 2 (kinda)
Number of times I've given my number out: 3

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