Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 4

Alright, I'm still working on this whole, finding time to ask people out. And once again, I failed.

Ugh. Okay. So Cody and I were getting lunch and he bet me to ask out the Chef's in the kitchen through the 2 foot by 5 foot food shelf. I thought about it, but in the end, I decided that maybe if it was day 75 I could do it, but not day 4.

So a no go there. Then I went to a coffee shop with Michelle, but there were no men. Harumph. However on the walk home, when I was on the street with about four men walking in different directions around me, I did yell out, in a sing-songy voice- "Let's go on a date." I don't think anyone knew that it was directed at them, so I think it kinda doesn't count.

So once again, I turned to OKcupid. And this time I didn't even message him, I just asked him via email. Lame. I know. Maybe I'll wander down to Tracy's later and try them there.

1 comment:

  1. Haha oh my goodness, my dear friend Carrie Blakeslee, who apparently knows you, sent me along the link to your blog. What a fantastic idea! I love it! I wish I was brave enough to do something like that haha. Good luck; I'm excited to read how it goes.
