Friday, March 26, 2010

I suck...

So for some of you who might actually be reading this you are probably thinking... what happened? Where did all the men go? What's going on BECCA?!?!

I suck. That's really what it comes down to. I lamed out after coming back from St. Louis and am now in Seattle so am once again using that as an excuse to not go out and about.

However, I might have actually met some nice boy tonight. Got into Seattle around 8:00 and took the light rail into town where my old friend Samantha picked me up and took me to meet up with her boyfriend and his room mate. Room mate was very cute and we flirted. Might be seeing him again Saturday night for Sam's boyfriend's b-day. He told me I should go. I'm counting it because I'm lame and like 8 people behind.

Oh and day 9 and me are having coffee next Sunday, hollah!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Liquid Confidence

Alright. So up to this point I've been kind of picky. I've been waiting to find someone that I kind of like AND that I think might say yes. I was 6 people behind as of last night, so things are going to change.

I worked on this last night. Friends and I went out and had a little bit o liquid courage. Unfortunately there was almost no one out last night. It was dead. But I still asked out two guys, gave one my number- don't think he'll call but oh well.

2 in one day! Getting caught up!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Hmmm. So I'm keeping up! Yes! Last night went out in uptown with some friends and Sasha brought her boyfriend and his room-mate. We chatted a little, somewhat flirty on my side, and I was going to give him my number but was being too much of a wuss so I gave it to Sasha instead- but I'm still counting it, even though it was sort of lame.

However, tonight, I got back on the train. Went to Memory Lanes and asked out one of the workers, gave him my number. But after I did it I looked at him and he looks like he's about 15. (Not literally, but the point is the boy looks young)

Oh well! Day 16 a success! (he said yes)

Also am leaving for St. Louis for a couple days, so I won't be able to ask anyone out. Which means, I'll be even further behind when I get back! Ah! That means I'll just have to start asking people out like mad, MAD I TELL YOU!

Monday, March 15, 2010

This is so HARD!

So ended up asking out an acquaintance over facebook last night. Majorly cheating, I know, but I had to. This is so much harder than I thought it was going to be!

I was out and about tons yesterday too, and I just didn't see anyone who was my age, straight and single! The is getting to be too much.

Its Monday which means day 2 is making me dinner tonight and we're gonna watch some Dr. Who. Otherwise, I still need to find one person to ask out. I don't know if I'm gonna make the 100 days. This is stressful and exhausting!

But anyhoo. Weekly update:
Days: 15 (but day 15 isn't over yet)
Men asked: 12
Yeses: 3
Dates went on: 1
Repeat Offenders: 1

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday Night

So. Drinking. Alcohol. Intoxication.

Not as much as a help as I was hoping it would be. It is amazing to me how hard this asking people out thing is! The problem with asking someone out at a bar is that a) it is so loud that it makes me impossible to actually talk to the guy b) everyone is out to find someone so it makes it more stressful because it makes rejection all the more likely, they went out that night looking for something specific and I may or may not fit into that category. and c) competition. Everyone is looking for someone to buy them drinks, flirt with and a lot of them are prettier, skinnier and skankier than me.

So as you can probably guess from my long list of reasons, I only asked out one guy last night and before we could really do the whole thing my friend Rose came over and started chatting with him, not realizing that she was "messing with my game", so to speak. But I still count it cause I did put myself out there.

So semi win for the night, even though my goal was to get like three or four guys knocked off the list. Maybe today will be more lucrative.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Oh dear.

So last night was Michelle's birthday party. This seemingly is the perfect opportunity to ask people out because I was quite drunk.

Once again, fail. No one. I didn't even think about it really. So another day unfulfilled. It's so HARD! Arg. I just don't think I've gotten over the fear of rejection yet. Then again, it has only been 11 days, so that is to be expected, but today, at the Law school I was having a very good conversation with a boy whom I work with and a somewhat of a report with and I couldn't do it.

I just don't understand how you work that into a conversation! It is so AWKWARD! I mean, it is easier to ask out a complete stranger, whom you have had no interaction with because it's literally just saying, "Would you like to go on a date?" Which leads to the inevitable no- I mean who goes out with someone before even talking to them? So is asking out a complete stranger even really a risk? I'm just setting myself up for failure so I don't have to actually worry whether he will say yes or no.

But on a lighter note, Day 4 and I have made tentative coffee plans, as have Day 9 and I. And Day 2 is making me dinner on Monday. So in 11 days I've gotten three yeses and one repeat date. Not bad at all.

So catching up is again in the cards. I think I will try to ask out three guys today. Maybe I'll finally ask the Coop cheese guy out. Probably not though.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Wednesdays seem to get done early! I asked the cute guy in my bio class (pre-med- HOT) if he wanted to "hang out" over spring break, kind of a cop out, since that's not specifically asking for a date, but since it was 10 in the morning, I'm allowing it.

ALSO got a text back about coffee from Mr. Day 9, so we have tentative plans to get together after spring break. WHICH IS ONLY TWO DAYS AWAY!!!!!

Finally. I need to get school out of my system like a brain fever (Its early I know that metaphor made no sense)

Righto. Spring break, will be full of going out to bars and asking many men out. Maybe I'll even get ahead in my count...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 9

So I've been falling behind, to rectify this situation I asked out three guys today. In the same room. In a manner of minutes. Most of them I knew. But since I was persistant and they don't/didn't at the time know about the experiment it counts. The one boy I didn't really know at all was the one who changed phone numbers with me...

My only concern now is, did he think I was joking? Drama people often make jokes of these kinds but I did give and receive his number. So now I'm ACTUALLY nervous, not just casually asking people that I have no real fear or chance of meaningful rejection with (as was the case with asking all three of those guys out, since they all probably thought I was joking/I was surrounded by friends) because now if he did think I was joking I'm putting myself out there all over again.


So to give a tally (which I should have done Monday- you know to keep it weekly):
Day 9
Men asked out: 8
Yeses: 2 (kinda)
Number of times I've given my number out: 3

Monday, March 8, 2010

Oh noes!

I was so busy trying to be healthy and go on a date today I totally forgot to ask someone out! AH! Its already day 8 and I've only asked out 5 people. I'm three behind now! Then again, spring break is just a week away and I plan on going out drinking fairly often- which is an immediate recipe for false self confidence.

So the date. Oh the date. Sigh.

He was super sweet. He really was. I could tell he was nervous 'cause he was talking a lot about things that I didn't really understand, sometimes even talked so fast I couldn't hear his words. But it just didn't click. Which is really too bad. 'Cause he seems like a sweet heart and kinda low self esteem, so I hate to just be one more person that says no. But I don't know if I'll be seeing him again.

Day 8, you are a harsh master.

Le sigh

So I didn't even leave the house yesterday, let along ask someone out. That means I'm now TWO behind! Oy vey! Its okay though. I still have 93 days to make it up.

Today is my date is with Mr. Day 2. I wouldn't lie if I said I was a bit bit nervous. I didn't even meet this guy, he was the Okcupid, internet boy. But we've been messaging back and forth and I am getting a bit of a crush on him- kinda ridiculous, I know. But then again, I am going on a date with him, so I should probably have a little bit of a crush, right?

Day 8: I'm gonna try to ask out TWO people today. You know, to keep my numbers up.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Making an impact

I think the constant asking people out is finally making an impact on my decorum.

So cute boy from Pizza Luce was working the bar tonight so naturally Michelle and I popped a squat there. Michelle was a little late to join so when he was talking to me about my order, he just sat right down next to me and we chatted for a bit. In the end he only charged me for one drink, and was being kinda flirty (maybe?)

So, usually in this situation, I would talk about it and plan and scheme. But instead, I left a large tip and my number. I let him know that my number was there and he said, "Cool, thanks."

Good signs? Maybe. At the very least I seem to be getting more aggressive.
Be. Aggressive. Be-e- Aggressive!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Needing to Catch Up!

Alrighty, day five is over. I did ask out a stranger at the bar. BUT I feel like yesterday was kind of a cop out, so I am a day behind.

Tonight though I did ask someone out after chatting with him for a while. He has a girl friend. But was very nice about saying no. I've actually been really impressed so far with the way the men in this area of the country have rejected. Super polite, always coming up with a valid reason. Its nice.

Getting pretty excited for my Monday date the closer it gets. I'm such a girl.

Tomorrow, I will hopefully ask out two people, to make sure I am caught up.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 4

Alright, I'm still working on this whole, finding time to ask people out. And once again, I failed.

Ugh. Okay. So Cody and I were getting lunch and he bet me to ask out the Chef's in the kitchen through the 2 foot by 5 foot food shelf. I thought about it, but in the end, I decided that maybe if it was day 75 I could do it, but not day 4.

So a no go there. Then I went to a coffee shop with Michelle, but there were no men. Harumph. However on the walk home, when I was on the street with about four men walking in different directions around me, I did yell out, in a sing-songy voice- "Let's go on a date." I don't think anyone knew that it was directed at them, so I think it kinda doesn't count.

So once again, I turned to OKcupid. And this time I didn't even message him, I just asked him via email. Lame. I know. Maybe I'll wander down to Tracy's later and try them there.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day three done early!

The sun keeps on going, and so the dogs were finally allowed to leave the house on a real walk. After collecting the neighbor's dog, we all walked down to the dog park together.

And low and behold, only one other person. A single male. Tobacco stain on his teeth. Cute black lab puppy. Asked him to coffee. He had class, as in a higher institution of learning. Not the black tie variety.

Day three complete!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So I'm not sure if this is cheating, it feels like it a little.

There is a new super nice worker at P. Luce, where I frequent, but I couldn't get to him to ask him out because it was so busy. So I went home, thwarted, and having lots of homework, logged onto OKcupid.

Now I need to get others votes on this... Is online asking out still cheating? Its easier in the way that the person can't see me in person, but they can see my entire profile, which pretty much puts my heart on an internet sleeve?

Well either way, I started chatting a boy who was online and we have a coffee date set-up for this coming Monday.

So Day two is a semi-success?

Monday, March 1, 2010

So far not going too great...

Well its already 8pm and I have yet to ask anyone out.

The sun was out today and its finally warm enough and melted enough to merit a bike ride so I biked the 3 or so miles down to a bakery with very yummy sweets and even yummier eye candy for my first exploration of asking out. Turns out they are closed on Mondays.

So then it was off to 2nd Moon, a neighborhood coffee joint I've never gotten into, but that always has people my age hanging out there. Ordered a tea, trying to be healthy-ish. But they only take cash and I was fresh out. So that stopped that.

Now I'm going to Tracey's to try to see if dirty Saloon people are to my liking and if all else fails, the 21+ers at Memory Lanes Bowling will be getting propositioned by yours truly.

Because no matter what, I am asking someone out tonight!

I did it! Yes! It was pretty scary but I got it done. The rest will hopefully get easier. So we were at Tracy's (the room mates, Garret and I) and having a blast and an entire table of guys around my age sat behind us. So after we paid the bill, I just picked a random one, one whose face I'd only seen for a split second and then just went for it. It went something like this.
Me: Hi, would you like to go on a date with me this week.
Guys Friend: Wow, that was forward.
Guy: Uh... uh... uh. When?
Me: I'm pretty open, but I am busy Friday and Saturday... Maybe Thursday?
Guy: Oh, uh. Well. I don't think I can do that.
Me: Okay, great. Have a good dinner.

Tada! Day one complete!

Day One

Today is March first. It is the first day of a new experiment, that will hopefully teach me not only things about the opposite sex, but also things about myself. And at the very least, I'll come out with some funny stories to share.

For the next 100 days, I will be asking out one man a day. Not necessarily guys I know. Not even necessarily guys I like.

"What is the point of this?" You may ask yourself.

I don't really know, for shits and giggles? To unravel the mystery that is men? To find a date? To teach myself that rejection is all about me and not the other person?

So today, March first, is day one.

Wish me luck.